Berdasarkan banyaknya request akan cheat seal,akhirnya saya temukan tapi tutorialnya dalam bahasa inggris.Kalau masalah work gx worknya silakan di coba sendiri
Download Cheat Cegel (duit) Seal Online - Cegel Seal Online : function for this cheat you can do Super Area attack cheat, no cooldown, and maphack
this little explanation :
Super Area Attack
1. search skill name, example (Holy Cross) value= text (not 4 byte).
2. Look for and address that describe the skill, and add it
3. browse memory region and "add this addres" at the top left corner ( do not scrooll it up or down)
4. copy that address calculatur, use scientific mode and tick Hex.
6.Paste that address and use the calc
---lv 1 skill, use this ---> +198
---lv 5----------> +2A8
---lv 10---------> +3FC
7 once you have result, copy the value and paste it on the pervious addres (see point 4)
8. You will see the value is vary betwee 3 or 5 usually 3
9. change the value to 1000000
10. freeze it.
no cooldown+ super area attack= dangerous. Use it cautiously.
1. make a backup copy of the "map folder"
2create a new folder
3. go to "map" folder @(Seal Online) folder.
4.look for and copy that.
5. paste it to the new folder
6. Make a new file using the "". starting from " to*.
note: do not make a copy of this map ;,,,,, 22. map,, Just leave it be
7. copy all the files & paste it to the "map folder"
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