Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

Cheat Seal Online

Berdasarkan banyaknya request akan cheat seal,akhirnya saya temukan tapi tutorialnya dalam bahasa inggris.Kalau masalah work gx worknya silakan di coba sendiri

Download Cheat Cegel (duit) Seal Online - Cegel Seal Online : function for this cheat you can do Super Area attack cheat, no cooldown, and maphack
this little explanation :

Super Area Attack
1. search skill name, example (Holy Cross) value= text (not 4 byte).
2. Look for and address that describe the skill, and add it
3. browse memory region and "add this addres" at the top left corner ( do not scrooll it up or down)
4. copy that address calculatur, use scientific mode and tick Hex.
6.Paste that address and use the calc
---lv 1 skill, use this ---> +198
---lv 5----------> +2A8
---lv 10---------> +3FC
7 once you have result, copy the value and paste it on the pervious addres (see point 4)
8. You will see the value is vary betwee 3 or 5 usually 3
9. change the value to 1000000
10. freeze it.

no cooldown+ super area attack= dangerous. Use it cautiously.

1. make a backup copy of the "map folder"
2create a new folder
3. go to "map" folder @(Seal Online) folder.
4.look for and copy that.
5. paste it to the new folder
6. Make a new file using the "". starting from " to*.
note: do not make a copy of this map ;,,,,, 22. map,, Just leave it be
7. copy all the files & paste it to the "map folder"

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